Name/Surname/title  :
Address                        : Address line | Phone: | E-mail:


Title                 : Roilab Online Pazarlama ve Danışmanlık Limited Şirketi (Roilab Online Marketing and Consulting Limited Company)
Phone             : (212) 999 33 09
Web address :
E-mail             :

Central Registration System No: 0735140596200001



The subject of this Agreement is the determination of the rights and obligations of the parties in accordance with the provisions of the Protection of the Consumer Law No. 6502 and the Regulation on Distance Agreements regarding the sale and delivery of the products, the qualifications, and sales prices of which are specified below, which the Buyer has ordered online from the website belonging to the SELLER and/or via mobile application.  



The sales price of the goods or services subject to the Agreement are shown in the table below. PERSONOLOGY (ROILAB) is not responsible for any customs fees, VAT, and similar charges arising from the buyer's country customs, tax, or bank applications.


Basket Information

Product Information Colour Size Price Q-ty Amount
  Amount L XX, XX TL 1 XX, XX TL
        Total XX.XX TL
        Discounts 0,00 TL
        Subtotal XX.XX TL
    INFORMATION SPACE   Shipping fee 0,00 TL
        Grand total XX.XX TL


Address information

Billing address                                Delivery address
Name surname                               Name surname
Address Line                                    Address Line
District, Province, Country            District, Province, Country

Payment information

Payment information of XX.XX TL for your order with ORDER NO is as follows:


The amount mentioned above includes VAT for the orders placed within the territory of Turkey. For the orders to be sent outside Turkey the amount above does not include any customs fees, VAT and similar charges arising from the buyer's country customs, taxation, or bank applications, and PERSONOLOGY is not responsible for any fees that may arise in such cases.    


4.1- The BUYER accepts and declares that he/she has read and gained information about the Preliminary Information Form regarding the basic characteristics, sales price, and payment method of the product which is the subject to this agreement, as well as the right of delivery and withdrawal, on the website and/or mobile application belonging to the SELLER and has electronically given his/her consent.

4.2- By giving his/her consent to this Agreement electronically, the BUYER confirms that before the conclusion of the distance contracts, the address to be given to the consumer by the Seller, the basic features of the ordered products, the price of the products including taxes, payment, and delivery information and the right of withdrawal has been gained correctly and completely.

4.3- The product subject to the Agreement is delivered to the BUYER or the person/organization at the address indicated by the courier company, depending on the distance of the BUYER's place of residence for each product, provided it does not exceed the legal 30-day period from the date of order. This period can be extended for a maximum of 10 days under the condition that the Buyer is notified in writing or to the e-mail address he/she has provided.

4.4- The delivery of the product shall not be made to anyone other than the person/organization authorized to receive the delivery specified in this contract. Presenting of the ID card is obligatory upon delivery. In case these people do not present their identity cards, they will be refrained from making deliveries. If the product subject to the Agreement is to be delivered to a person/people other than the Buyer, the SELLER cannot be held responsible if the person/organization to be delivered does not accept the delivery.

4.5- The SELLER is responsible for the delivery of the product subject to this Agreement in good condition, complete, in accordance with the qualifications specified in the order, and together with the warranty documents and user manuals in cases where such delivery is mandatory in accordance with the legislation.

4.6- For the delivery of the product subject to the contract, the product price must be paid with the payment method preferred by the Buyer. If for any reason, the product price is not paid or cancelled in the bank records, the SELLER is deemed to be relieved of its obligation to deliver the product.

4.7- If the relevant bank or financial institution fails to pay the price of the product to the SELLER due to the unfair or illegal use of the credit card of the Buyer by unauthorized persons after the delivery of the product, not due to the Buyer's fault, provided that the Buyer has received the product it must be sent to the SELLER within 5 days. In this case, shipping costs belong to the Buyer.

4.8- In cases where the fulfillment of the goods or services subject to the order becomes impossible due to force majeure or extraordinary circumstances such as weather conditions that prevent transportation, interruption of transportation, fire, earthquake, flood, and if it is understood that the product subject to the Agreement can not be supplied for a justifiable reason and the SELLER is not able to supply the product within the time frame stated in this Agreement is obliged to notify the Buyer of the situation. In this case, the BUYER may use one of the rights to cancel the order, replace the product subject to the Agreement with its precedent, if any, and/or postpone the delivery time until the obstacle is removed. If the Buyer cancels the order, the amount paid is refunded to him/her in the same way he/she has paid. If the payments are made by the Buyer by credit card, the product amount is returned to the relevant bank within 10 (ten) days latest after the order has been cancelled by the BUYER. After this amount is returned to the bank since the BUYER's accounts are entirely related to the bank transaction process, the BUYER already accepts that it will not be possible for the BUYER to intervene in any way for possible delays and that it may take an average of 2 to 3 weeks for the amount returned by the SELLER to the credit card to be reflected by the bank to the BUYER's account.


1.    The BUYER has the right of withdrawal within 14 (fourteen) days from the delivery of the product subject to the Agreement to himself/herself or the person/organization at the address indicated, without assuming any legal or criminal responsibility and without giving any reason.

2.    The right of withdrawal can be submitted to the SELLER by creating a return request for the relevant order at within 14 (fourteen) days from the delivery of the goods.

3.    The BUYER may also notify the SELLER in writing or via a phone, fax, e-mail.

If the right of withdrawal is exercised,

a. The product that has been delivered to the 3rd party has to be sent along with the original invoice with its return section filled in upon its transfer to the cargo to be shipped to the Seller (If the invoice of the product to be returned has been issued on behalf of an organization, the return invoice issued by the organization).   

b. The SELLER is obliged to return the total amount and all documents that put the Buyer under debt within 10 days at the latest from the receipt of the withdrawal notice to the Buyer and to return the goods within 20 days.





Refund amounts are refunded with the payment method used during the order.

                      I.        In the case of using a credit card, the refund amounts for the purchases are made to the Buyer's credit card account.

                    II.        II. Relevant bank rules are reserved for refund payments to be made to a credit card.

                   III.        III. In case of returning the orders you have created with a money order/EFT, the fee allocated by the bank cannot be refunded while making the payment.

                  IV.        IV. In the case of payment via VIRTUAL WALLET, refunds are made to the credit card you used in the same way, depending on the cash or instalment status you have selected during the order. Virtual wallet rules are reserved for refund payments to be made through Virtual Wallet.

                    V.        The BUYER shall lose the right of withdrawal if it is not exercised within 14 days since the delivery of the product subject to the Agreement made to himself/herself or the person/organization at the address indicated.


The right of withdrawal cannot be exercised for the products that have been produced according to the special requests or demands of the BUYER or in case the products have been personalized by alterations or additions.

The BUYER cannot exercise its right of withdrawal in the case of goods that cannot be returned due to their nature, that are likely to deteriorate rapidly or expire.

The BUYER will not be able to benefit from the right of withdrawal in the exceptional cases specified in Article 15 of the Regulation on Distance Contracts. (For example, products that are not suitable for return in terms of health and hygiene.) Cosmetics and personal care products are within the scope of indefinite returns if they have not reached their expiry date.



In case of default by the Buyer, the BUYER agrees to pay the SELLER's loss and damage due to the delayed performance of the debt. In cases where the Buyer's default is caused by the SELLER's fault, the BUYER shall not be obliged to meet any claim for loss or damage.



This Agreement has been created within the framework of the rules of Turkish Law, and its validity and binding will be within the framework of the rules of Turkish Law. Istanbul (Çağlayan) Courts will be authorized in any dispute arising from the implementation of this contract. In the implementation of this contract, the BUYER can make its applications regarding complaints and objections to Istanbul Consumer Courts or Consumer Arbitration Committees. In case the order is approved, the BUYER is deemed to have accepted all the terms of this contract. 

SELLER   : Roilab Online Pazarlama ve Danışmanlık Limited Şirketi (Roilab Online Marketing and Consulting Limited Company)
BUYER    :
DATE       : 


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